It’s only Day 3 of my team’s full time WFH (work-from-home… but Washyour-Fing-Hands also works) policy. After a lovely weekend of me-time, I’m starting to feel restless from social distancing. In what seemed like a very rapid escalation of measures here in urban America to “flatten the curve” of community spread, life as we know it has slowly come to a halt. Let’s all hope and pray that these temporary efforts, while certainly inconvenient and somewhat frightening, help save our healthcare system from collapsing like Italy’s.
In the meantime, many of us are stuck working from home with no restaurants, gyms, bars, or other public spaces to unwind from our hours of conference calls (“Hi, who just joined?” // “Can everyone mute themselves please?”)… even my apartment gym is closed as of this morning! That’s when I had the idea to put this post together.
Amid the flurry of emails from all 43,581 businesses I’ve ever given my email to using the pandemic as an excuse to remind me they exist, I noticed something actually helpful. In addition to the standard CDC Prevention blurb, many fitness studios I’ve tried out over the years are now offering their digital workout options for free. Many of them don’t require anything more than a yoga mat!
Below are some online/digital workout options I’ve personally attended or used before, followed by a few apps I’ve seen floating around social media. Stay home. Get swole. Support local businesses/your neighbors. Call your mama.
- Down Dog Yoga
- free until April 1
- customize your yoga flow
- soothing British narrator

- YogaWorks
- enter code ONLINE for free access until further notice
- user-friendly filter options

- ClassPass Digital workouts
- in-app audio and video workouts (like having a trainer in your ear on the treadmill!)
- Currently rolling over all unused credits
- Waiving cancellation fees
- Peleton Digital
- free 90-day trial for a variety of workout classes (not just spinning! I hate spinning)

- CrossFit at home
- basic functional movements with things around your house

- CorePowerYoga
- on-demand videos of all their regular offerings (Sculpt is my favorite but unfortunately I don’t have free weights at home!)
- new classes available every week

- 305 Fitness
- YouTube dance workouts
- I’m going to do these more often (in the privacy of my room, sorry roommate) even after Coronavirus blows over because the studio is so far and hard to get to for me but they’re SO fun!

- Blogilates
- Cassie Ho is the OG workout video queen and is so peppy she’s lowkey annoying but she has a pilates video for every occasion
- Great for beginners – or anyone who is using this time to get back into their workout game!

- Barry’s Bootcamp live workouts
- 20-min workouts on Instagram live throughout the day – check Instagram stories for details!
- mostly bodyweight only

- Bash Boxing workouts
- live twice a day + workout videos on their Instagram page!
- shadowboxing and conditioning with various coaches

Apps/Workouts I haven’t tried:
- Obe Fitness free 30-day trial
- FitOn app
- Planet Fitness Facebook live-streamed workouts (no equipment, workouts < 20 min)
- Nike Train Club app (some workouts are free, some are premium)
I’ll update this as I hear of/try more over the next few weeks, but hopefully this serves as a helpful starting point and encourages y’all to stay in but keep moving!