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7 things to do in self-quarantine | Forks In The Road

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7 things to do in self-quarantine

Emerald Lake in the Canadian Rockies – a perfect start to your bucket list

Happy Friday!! Somehow I’ve made it through the first full work week of social distancing without eating my entire pantry. Now what?! Honestly, I never thought I’d ever have to write a post like this… but here are a few ideas I’ve brainstormed for how to pass the time this weekend, as we wait out this pandemic’s rage around the world.

  1. jump start that skin-care routine – now that you have an extra hour (or more) to your day from not having to commute to work/school, there are no excuses for “not having time” for moisturizer! Sephora is offering free shipping, so… let your coworkers marvel at your newly glowing skin when you return from wfh.

  2. write letters – to your grandma, your lover, your future children, your friends in the healthcare industry who could use some encouragement right now. As a bonus, if you’ve never learned to write cursive you could do that too. Send them via old-fashioned snail mail!

  3. dust off the keyboard/guitar/other instrument – you might not go viral like the Europeans and their balcony serenading, but learning/re-learning an instrument is very rewarding.

  4. bake – at the risk of undoing your hard work in those in-home workouts, these five-ingredient Nutella cookies are made with things you probably already have (without eating into your quarantine stockpile). If you’re looking for something a little more involved, try tiramisu cupcakes or chocolate almond rugelach.

  5. fill out your 2020 Census questionaire – I got mine in the mail but now you can do it online, by mail, or over the phone! Here’s a primer on why they ask the questions they do.

  6. dig out old family photos – many of you have escaped to your parents’/ family homes to wait out the quarantine, and going through the archives of childhood photos always makes me smile. If you’re able to watch old home videos, even better.

  7. write down your bucketlist – we may be grounded and not going any where for the foreseeable future, but now’s a good time as any to *manifest* and y’all know I love a good list. Here’s some inspiration!

Stay in. Stay safe. & wipe down your phones/laptops, people!


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